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On Point, May 26

May 26, 2004


We've complained on occasion when government settles dubious lawsuits rather than stand on principle and take the legal fight to trial. But Denver did the right thing in reaching a settlement over the death of Paul Childs last July - and the $1.325 million cost very likely is less than what the city faced had a federal jury heard the case. The city's expenses alone would have topped hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Denver couldn't very well argue that nothing went wrong when Childs was shot by Officer James Turney since it is meting out discipline to the officer. Better to embrace a mediated deal and get this tragedy behind the city than risk much more in court.


John DiBiaggio was paid the ludicrous figure of $21,000 per month by the University of Colorado to examine the athletic department in the wake of the recruiting scandal. Now he says his findings are the business of no one but the CU president and chancellor.

"Whatever I shared with them, really, they own," he told a News reporter. "It was in confidence, and it's theirs."

Is DiBiaggio under the impression Elizabeth Hoffman and Richard Byyny reached into their own pockets for the lavish salary he demanded? If they had, then they would certainly "own" his recommendations. In fact, they dipped into athletic department funds, which happen to be public money even if it was generated within the department.

For $21,000 a month, Coloradans should expect more from DiBiaggio than platitudes about the "greater need for accountability." Didn't we know that before he was ever hired?

- Rocky Mountain News

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